Saturday, May 21, 2011

What is WakeLock?

Keep CPU and Screen keep running forceful. Which cause the battery drains the battery and efficiency.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Map Point, FindServiceSoap.FindAddress Method

  • The FindAddress method is valid with the MapPoint.AP, MapPoint.BR, MapPoint.EU, and MapPoint.NA data sources. For general information about the MapPoint Web Service data sources, see MapPoint Web Service Data Sources and Capabilities.

  • Address information can be returned from only certain countries or regions within the MapPoint.AP, MapPoint.BR, MapPoint.EU, and MapPoint.NA data sources.

  • Assigning a range or start index that is greater than 100 with this method does not cause any errors in your applications. However, this method does not return any valid addresses when such range or start index is assigned.

  • If no results are found, the returned FindResults.NumberFound property value is 0.

    (From MSDN for my own reference.)

    For more details

    In MWS, the FindResult.Score property supplies the estimated level of accuracy for a given search result. The

    score ranges between 1.0 and 0.0, between and exact match and no match respectively.

    The Bing Locations API Location response contains a Confidence element with one of the following values: High,

    Medium, Low and Unknown. The JSON response in the Appendix shows a confidence value of High for the single

    result. For less specific searches, the JSON response may include multiple results.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Switching from Map Point Staging to Production Environment

<add key="IsProduction" value="T" />

<add key="RServiceStaging" value="" />
<add key="RServiceProduction" value="" />

<add key="FServiceStaging" value="" />
<add key="FServiceProduction" value="" />

<add key="RtServiceStaging" value="" />
<add key="RtServiceProduction" value="" />

<add key="CServiceStaging" value="" />
<add key="CServiceProduction" value="" />